Stomach Sleeve Surgery – Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure – Dr. Bagshahi
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The relationship between sleep apnea and obesity
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder that affects an estimated 25 million adults nationwide, occurs when your throat muscles relax during sleep and your airway narrows, making it more difficult to breathe and momentarily startling your body awake. This cycle can occur many times throughout the night, and although you usually won’t remember these disruptions in the morning, your body will. What causes OSA? Medical professionals have identified a few factors that can predispose a person to OSA, including […]
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Best places to eat out in Fort Worth & what to order off the menu
Eating out used to be for special occasions. With today’s busy schedules, though, eating out is a fact of life. But healthy choices aren’t nearly as plentiful as the tempting appetizers and generous portions on many restaurants’ menus. And sometimes you do want to treat yourself. How can you stick to your diet and choose nutritious foods when dining out? Fortunately, Fort Worth boasts plenty of options. Here are the places locals go when they want a healthy and delicious […]
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