Benefits of Self-Paying for Weight Loss Surgery
Advanced bariatric procedures — including gastric bypass surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, and duodenal switch — have proven to be highly effective in helping patients take control of their weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle. While our North Dallas weight loss practice makes it a priority to make bariatric surgery as affordable as possible, it’s often a patient’s first instinct to try and obtain full or partial coverage from their insurance provider. This can work nicely for some patients, but others may […]
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Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Right for Me?
Gastric bypass, also known as a Roux-en-Y procedure, is one of the most effective weight loss surgeries in the country. When performed by a board-certified bariatric bariatric surgeon, the gastric bypass procedure can achieve significant and lasting weight loss to help patients transform their health and life. That said, this surgery is not intended for patients looking to casually lose weight — gastric bypass is meant for men and women who need to dramatically reduce their BMI to address life-threatening […]
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How Much Weight Can I Lose with Bariatric Surgery?
Weight loss surgery can be an invaluable and life-saving treatment for individuals struggling with obesity and morbid obesity. At our Dallas practice, Dr. Hossein Bagshahi performs a wide range of laparoscopic, minimally invasive, and robotic-assisted procedures to help at-risk patients achieve a safer and healthier weight. While the exact amount of weight loss possible depends on the type of procedure performed and your commitment to maintaining a healthier lifestyle, our team has provided a brief primer on the average percentages […]
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Is Robotic Weight Loss Surgery Right for Me?
Robotic weight loss surgery is among the most revolutionary advances in bariatrics, offering a less invasive and more precise approach to performing major weight loss procedures. Using the da Vinci® robot and a laparoscope, our board-certified bariatric surgeon can perform surgery with greater visibility and surgical control than ever before. Adjunctively, this gives patients the benefits of shorter incisions, less downtime, reduced scarring, and a lower risk of complications overall. While considered safe and effective for many different types of […]
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