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Common Reasons for Weight Loss Revision Surgery

Bariatric surgery has helped countless individuals enjoy a healthier, happier quality of life, but certain cases of weight loss may necessitate more than one bariatric procedure. Failing to achieve your weight loss goals and/or correcting complications that arose from your original procedure are among the most common reasons for revision bariatric surgery. Dr. Hossein Bagshahi, our Dallas-based bariatric surgeon, delves further into why a second weight loss procedure may be necessary after a primary surgery. It’s important to remember that revision cases are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and are primarily performed to address complications. 

Inability to Achieve Original Weight Loss Goals

For some patients, the weight loss achieved after procedures like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery may not be satisfactory. The stomach may continue to stretch after a sleeve gastrectomy and prevent you from losing the amount of weight desired, or make it difficult for you to maintain the outcome long-term. A revision procedure is performed to identify the issue(s) inhibiting weight loss, and correct these concerns so you’re able to arrive closer to your ideal weight.  

Post-Operative Complications

Possible complications from a bariatric procedure may involve weight regain, malnutrition, or medical issues such as severe dumping syndrome, strictures, and marginal ulcers, among other concerns. If you’re far along in your weight loss journey and still cannot reach your ideal weight — or if you’re experiencing health issues — bariatric revision can help resolve the complications that affected your original procedure. 

Ultimately, revision weight loss surgery is performed to improve the original outcome of your surgery. Open communication, a mutual understanding of goals, and an ongoing continuum of care are all necessary to a successful revision procedure, which is why Dr. Bagshahi stresses patient education and a strong system of support before, during, and after surgery. 

Please contact our Dallas and Fort Worth-area office for more information about revision weight loss surgery, or to schedule a consultation