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Duodenal Switch vs. Gastric Bypass Surgery

Duodenal Switch vs. Gastric Bypass SurgeryConsidered among the top weight loss surgery options available, duodenal switch surgery and gastric bypass can be very effective for the right patients. Both are considered malabsorptive procedures, meaning the amount of calories and nutrients absorbed by the body is restricted. That said, these weight loss options differ in many respects, including how weight loss is achieved and which patients may benefit from surgery. Knowing the similarities and distinctions between each weight loss procedure can be an excellent starting point in determining the most ideal approach for your needs.

With duodenal switch surgery, patients can lose a majority of their body weight through two phases: the stomach is reduced to a pouch via a gastric sleeve procedure, then the small intestine is divided and rerouted in order to reduce the body’s digestion of calories. This allows patients to feel fuller consuming less food and prevents the digestive system from fully absorbing calories and fat. In turn, duodenal switch surgery can achieve the most long-term weight loss out of all the bariatric procedures available. As such, patients who would benefit most from the technique are usually considered morbidly obese, have high BMIs (over 50), or struggle with weight-related diseases, such as high cholesterol or diabetes.

Also called “Roux-en-Y,” gastric bypass surgery is also designed to restrict food intake and limit calorie absorption. Whereas a portion of the stomach is removed in duodenal switch surgery, gastric bypass is instead designed to divide the stomach, creating a smaller gastric pouch. Food is then able to travel from the esophagus to the new stomach pouch and onto the small intestine, bypassing most of the stomach and allowing patients to feel full faster and with less food. The right candidates for gastric bypass surgery typically have a BMI over 40, or have a BMI over 35 and suffer from weight-related medical conditions.

Finding the best weight loss solution for you and your needs is integral to achieving successful results for the long-term. Don’t hesitate to contact our practice to consult with our bariatric surgeon, who will work with you to formulate a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.