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How Much Downtime Can I Expect After Robotic Weight Loss Surgery?

Robotic weight loss is among the most compelling advancements in the field of bariatric surgery, offering the ability to perform traditional weight loss procedures — such as gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and duodenal switch — with less invasiveness, shorter incisions, and a lower risk of complications. Among the chief benefits associated with da Vinci® robotic surgery is the significantly reduced recovery time required after the procedure. 

Recovery times typically vary based on the specific type of surgery performed, your health, and other unique details of your treatment plan. Whereas open surgeries generally require two to three weeks of recovery time, patients can often heal within four to seven days after robotic weight loss surgery. Most people are up and around on the same day as their procedure, and light ambulation is encouraged as soon as patients feel capable. The period of downtime is also much less painful after da Vinci® robotic surgery since the procedure is performed with much less invasiveness.  In general, results to be expected after undergoing surgery with the da Vinci® robotic surgical system may include: 

Light exercise can normally be resumed one to two weeks after surgery. Our board-certified weight loss surgeon in Fort Worth will give you instructions on the best time to resume strenuous activity and more demanding workouts based on the details of your healing period. 

At our Fort Worth and DFW-area weight loss practice, Dr. Bagshahi prides himself on utilizing the most efficient, safe, and effective technologies to help Dallas patients achieve their health goals. Reach out to our practice today to book an appointment or to speak to a friendly member of our team about our services.